
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby cloth shoes

I'm hooked on making baby shoes! I'm sure you'll do too if you try one of these cute baby shoes. I took the Stardust baby shoe template and make 2 for my colleagues.  I've actually use jelly roll for this project. It fits nicely for the heels but the top part, I've to sew 2 pieces of jelly roll to make it broad enough for the top. The bottom is from 2 pieces of fleece fused together with fusible web. Doesn't the colour combination looks so sweet.

For the pink ones, I've followed the instruction to interface all top and heel portions but perhaps my fabric used was abit thick, so it came up to be tad too stiff. Decided to do away with the interfacing for the green shoes and it came out just nice with some body but not too stiff. So my advice to those of you who are trying, to use interfacing only if you fabric is thin or light weight.

Anyway, it's very easy and nice project. Oh, remember to press the seam and folds as it really helps when you need to fold over and it gives a neat feel to the shoes. I'm thinking about making some more shoes and bibs to give away with them.

Go on and try it if you haven't. It's nice and easy and you can sew up 2 shoes in 1 hour.


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