
Friday, November 25, 2011

Felt Wallet

This is the last year of pre-school for my girl. Next year, officially, she will be start her 6 years of Primary school education. She is going to a new school and I'm sure she will missed all her friends.

So, we decided to make a small tokens to giveaway for her friends as a goodbye gifts.  Well, I think it is more meaningful to handmade gifts than buy. Why buy when you can sew right?

So, we brainstormed and decided to sew felt wallets for her friends. The wallet can be used to store the Ezlink card which is a cashless stored value card that we used to travel on public transport. It's easy and she can decorate felt flowers, ribbons and the likes on them.

Here's how I made them.

Some coloured felt which you can get a wide selection in bolt from Spotlight of pre-cut from Daiso.
lace, ribbons, buttons etc for decorating

1. Cut the felt into 8" X 4.5".

2. Fold 2.5" up from the bottom to form the holder. Press with low heat iron to form the fold line and pin the 2 side seams.  Sew with 0.25" seam allowance from the bottom all the way to the top and down to the other end.

3. Fold 3" down to make the flap and iron to create the fold line. 

4. You can sew lace or ric rac over the top of the flap to decorate. Or hot glue some flowers, ribbons, lace.

5. Sew or use self-adhesive velcro tapes on the flap and holder. 

There, all done! Now time to write some farewell cards to insert to the bags before the giveaway.


  1. very good idea esp it won't fray at the side and easy for kid to sew :)

  2. yup! It's always easier to use felt for kids project.


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