
Friday, December 30, 2011

To Remember and To Forget

As 2011 draws to a close, I pondered on all the events and happening around me for the past 1 year and 2 words sum it up: "To Remember" and "To Forget".

Contradicting it may be but it really reflects my thoughts at this moment. I want to remember all the good things that happened in the past 1 year like the birthday parties for my 2 girls, the various outings that we had a family etc.. I also want to remember the pains and hurts that I went through because it was then that I learnt to depend on God and grow in Him. It was not easy but His strenght is sufficient for me and I know I'm loved.

Likewise to forget the unhappy events and sense of guilt eveytime I feel that I'm not spending enough time with my kids. I will try to do better the next time, I promise myself.

But many highlights are from my sewing journey this year. I particpated in the KCWC for the first time and did some amazing things for my kids. Made dance costumes for my girls and her friends and many many beautiful twirly skirts and bags too!

As the year draw close, I'm spending more time with my family and didn't have any energy to do much sewing. But I know I got to raise up soon cause there are 2 birthday dresses, 2 new year kids pajamas and 2 birthday parties to organise, all to be ready in the month of January! Gosh! I really need to sew..

In case I didn't have time to check in when 2012 arrives,

Happy New Year everyone!

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