
Thursday, September 6, 2012

My First Terrarium

Recently, I had a new love...I'm hooked onto this little plant in the bottle or what you call a Terrarium.

It all started when one of my colleague brought her little pots to office and we were so attracted to it that we started making it during lunch hour. It's really simple and the cost is rather low since you can make a lot with the supplies.

I think I will share on how to make this soon when I get to photograph the steps. It's really simple. My 7 year old did this one in under 15minute. I love it that it is quite hassle free since you don't need to water the plant for 6 months since it is sustainable within the bottle ecosystem.

Recently, we made 7 for her to bring to school for her teachers as Teacher's Day gifts.

Now, the little bottles are being displaying at my kitchen window ledge. So pretty.

Want to make one? Look out for my next post!

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