Here's the part-2 of the quickly T-shirt refashion project. On demand from the other sister.
I use a XL size Man's T-shirt for this. This project is also quite simple but it involve some cutting but I reuse the sleeve, neckline binding and the hem of the T-shirt. Let's jump in the tutorial shall we?
First, get a T-shirt larger than your pattern piece. You can also use knit if you have. You can also use an existing kids t-shirt for the pattern but I just use the pattern piece from the Racerback dress from Crafterhours. Fold the t-shirt into half and place your pattern along the fold.
I've place the pattern flush to the bottom of the shirt so that I can use the existing hem. I didn't curve up the hem so I can use the hem in totality. Cut out the pattern on fold and you will get both the Front and Back in one cut! Don't forget to cut the back neckline higher cause I forgot to do that and my front and back looks the same! Then, cut off the bodice and skirt so that you can later attach the sparky skirt. Length of skirt will depend how long you like. Just make sure it is the same length of slightly shorter than the sparky skirt.
Lay the sleeve flat and cut out the sleeve for the dress. I didn't use any pattern for us but just eyeball it. I more of less follow the existing shape of the t-shirt. Be sure to cut the sleeve at the hem so that you can save hemming the sleeve too!
Cut out both sleeves and also the neckline ribbing of the existing t-shirt.
Then, following the steps to sew the bodice:
1) pin the shoulder seams right side facing and sew/serge shoulder seams
2) pin sleeve to arm sync, right side facing and sew/serge sleeves
3) pin underarm seams and side seams, right side facing and sew/serge underarm and side seams
4) as my neckline is much bigger, I use my serger to gather the neckline and then attach the ribbing using my serger, right side facing
For the skirts, just follow the previous tutorial. In a nutshell, cut the sparky fabric and sew into tube. Gather the skirt and pin together with the underskirt and elastic loop. Take special care to ensure the skirts are facing the right direction. Serge and sew the skirts, elastic to the bodice at waistline.
See the nice gathers. I love my serger! I didn't hem my sparky skirt since it doesn't fray.
The new dress.
She LOVES her dress, so twirly and sparkly
Enjoy the photos of the Sparky girls in their sparky dresses!
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