
Sunday, February 5, 2012

3/4 Pants - A tutorial

My elder girl had recently learnt to ride her new 2 wheels bike and I realized that she didn't had a lot of loose pants that will not restrict her movement on the bike. So I thought I'll just sew her some to supplement her wardrobe.  

This 3/4 pants is really easy to make and all in all, it took me just 2 hours and I didn't use much fabric. Just some left over fabric that I had at home.  

To make this, find a pants that fits your child and trace the front and back.  You need 2 pieces of the front and 2 pieces of the back. Note that the front waist length will be slightly shorter than the back piece. The length of the pants will fall just at the knee length so just take the measurement from your kids and you are good to go.  Remember to add seam allowance of 3.8" all around except the hem, I use 2".

2 pieces of front (left) and 2 pieces of back (right)
1. Place one piece of front and one piece of the back piece, right side facing, and sew the side seams.  Serge or zig zag the side seams. Do the same for the other pieces of front and back.

2. Press seams towards the back of the pants and top stitch along the side seams using the sewing foot as a guide. Do the same for the other piece.

3. Align and pin the inseams of one pants leg right side together and sew. Serge or zig zag the inseams. Do the same for the other leg piece.

4. Turn one of the leg piece right side out and keep the other piece wrong side out.  

wrong side out (left) and right side out (right)

5. Insert the 'right side out' leg into the other pant leg so that the right sides of the pants face each other inside.  Pin the crotch area.  See photo for illustration.

Sew and serge or zig zag the seams.

6. Turn the pants right side out. Sew 2 rows of stitch along the crotch area using the sewing foot as a guide. Go slow so that you don't accidentally sew the other side of the pants. This is for decorative purpose so you can skip this if you want.

7. To prepare for the waistband and hem, I serge the waist area and hem first.

8. Fold in 0.5" of the hem and press. Then fold in another 1.5" and press. Sew 2 rows of stitch around the hem. Make sure that both pants leg are of the same length else it will look very obvious.

9. For the waistband, I've this beautiful elastic band that I bought from the Textile Centre but have not found the use for it. The color simply match the pants and added the nice color to it. The method is the same as how I sew the circle skirt

10. Sew the short ends of the elastic band right side together so that it become a loop.  Then attach the band to the waist area of the pants. Pin the front centre, back centre, 2 sides of the pants to the elastic band. Then, pull as you sew so that it will gather nicely around the waist.

Enjoy the pants!

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